Die langhaarige, auch indische Safran, die als Kurkuma bekannt ist und als Kurkuma bekannt ist, ist eine Pflanze der Familie der Ingwer, die in Indien wild wächst und in Ländern mit tropischem Klima angebaut wird. Diese Pflanze wird mit einem Gewürz und einem gelben Farbstoff erhalten, das Curcumin genannt wird. Curkuma ist eine unverzichtbare Komponente von Gewürzmischungen, z. B. Curry. Curvey. Starke Farbstoffe der Besteck (insbesondere Holz und Plastik), das erworben und mit einer gekochten Schale gemischt wird. In der Lebensmittelindustrie wird Kurkuma verwendet, um Butter, Mayonnaise, Nudeln und Käse zu färben. Geflügel, Sahneuppen und Omeletts. Passt Geschirr mit Hülsenfrüchten (Bohnen, Kichererbsen, Linsen, Soja). Ein Muss -Zutat aller Currygerichte und anderer indischer Gerichte. Eine schöne gelbe Farbe gibt ihnen eine schöne gelbe Farbe. Beliebte Gesundheitsaufnahmen. /strong> </em> <ul> <li> 2 Zitronen </li> <li> 1 Orange </li> <li> ungefähr 3 cm frischer Ingwer </li> <li> 1
Size:52x47x36,5 sm
Conditions de température sévères et charges élevées.
Nevastane XS 220/320 répond aux exigences industrielle les plus strictes
Poursuite de la durée de vie de l'équipement tout en réduisant les problèmes de contamination comme l'exige le système d'analyse des risques et de maîtrise des points critiques (HACCP).
Excellente stabilité mécanique et thermique (point de goutte élevé).
Résistance remarquable à la charge grâce à ses propriétés d'extrême pression et d'antiusure naturellement élevées.
Résistance exceptionnelle à l'eau et à la vapeur et excellente résistance aux acides/alcalins alimentaires.
Aucune perte significative de consistance n'est observée, même en cas de pénétration importante d'eau dans la Graisse .
Excellentes propriétés antioxydation et anticorrosion, même en présence d'eau salée.
To increase the well-being and mood balance.
Scope of use for griffonia
Fatigue, burn-out, stress
Mood swings
Lack of will
Memory problems, bad learning ability
Sleep disturbances, tiredness
Migraines, headaches
Ravenous hunger attacks
Recommended dose Take 1 capsules of Griffonia 5-HTP 2 times daily with some fluid.
Griffonia: Serotonin for mood balance
Do you often feel listless, suffer from lack of concentration, migraine or PMS symptoms? The cause is often low serotonin levels! Serotonin is our happiness and well-being hormone. It is produced in the brain and ensures that we are motivated cheerful and relaxed. The active substance in Griffonia 5 – HTP capsules hydroxytryptophan is extracted from the African black bean, which has a particularly high content of hydroxytryptophan. Combined with other amino acids and high-dose B vitamins, Griffonia 5 – HTP naturally increases serotonin levels and also increases...
is one of the healthiest choices, because buckwheat takes special place among all cereals, and is characterised by exceptional benefits to health and nutrition. This pasta is made of buckwheat flour, which aside from fats and carbohydrates, contains more vegetable proteins than the flour of other types of grains. Buckwheat pasta contains vitamins B1 and B2, which strengthen the nervous system and speed up metabolism, potassium, which helps to maintain optimal blood pressure, calcium, which keeps the teeth, bones and nails healthy, magnesium, which helps to fight depression, as well as iodine and phosphorus. Buckwheat pasta contains iron, which is important for the body, and since the growing of buckwheat requires no chemical substances this pasta is one of the best choices you can make! Why is buckwheat pasta good for you? It can help regulate high blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels in blood, stabilise sugar levels, protect from gall-bladder inflammation, and provide the body w
Nutrition facts:100 g
Energy value:1534 kJ / 362 kcal
Fat Of which saturated fatty acids:2,2 g 0,45 g
Carbohydrates Of which sugars:73,1 g <0,3 g
Proteins:12,4 g
SALT:0,1 g*
Korean traditional sweetener "Grain Syrup"
• Use instead of sugar when cooking - Best for Korean recipes such as fried chicken or tteokbokki
• Make your own granola/nutrition bar at home
• Use as a dip or a spread on bread, cracker and rice cake
• Made by Korean food grand master - Korean food grand master Bong-seok Kang is the first and only who designated as a master of both grain syrup and grain syrup taffy.
Grain syrup, also called jocheong is a traditional sweetener of South Korea, purely made from grains. Doorechon's jocheong is produced by boiling rice and malt for many hours. As a result, the sweetness of jocheong is savory and soft, unlike the strong, overwhelming sweetness of sugar or other artificial sweeteners.
Jochoeng, which is an excellent source of energy for our body, contains various nutrients and minerals. You may enjoy jocheong with a spoon as it is or use it as a replacement for regular sugar in any foods that need the sweetness.
Company Name:Doorechon Agricutural
Place of Origin:South Korea
Nisin (E234, CAS No. 1414-45-5)
Nisin is a natural, non-toxic food preservative that has recently been introduced into the food industry. It is a polycyclic antibacterial peptide produced by certain strains of Lactococcus Lactis. Nisin has antimicrobial activity against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria. Nisin is widely used in dairy products, meat products, beverages, canned foods, sauces, seafood, flour products, egg contain products, etc. The quality items: 900iu, 1000iu, 1100iu.
Package type: 0,5 kg plastic jar or 1kg aluminium bag - in carton box.
Piattaforma (tavola) elevatrice elettrica a pantografo standard, con centralina Posizionata sotto il piano ( senza ingombro) e filo comando a distanza con pulsantiera salita, discesa ed emergenza. Prodotto con Garanzia a norma di legge. Corrente a 380v
Notre Arôme Naturel Bio Myrtille hydrosoluble, de fabrication française, concentré et 100% naturel (certifié Bio), vous permettra de donner un goût fruité et subtil de myrtille à toutes vos préparations.
Il est composé de préparations aromatisantes (dont extrait jus concentré*), substances aromatisantes naturelles, sucre de canne*, eau, alcool éthylique*, acidifiants : acide tartrique E334 et pulégone : 1 mg/kg
(*Issus de l'agriculture biologique)
Idéal pour incorporer à vos ganaches, garnitures de macarons, confiseries, gâteaux de voyages, glaces, et flans entre autres pâtisseries.
Astuces de Chefs : L’Arôme Naturel Bio Myrtille est concentré, versez quelques gouttes selon le dosage désiré, et mélanger avec l’aide de nos spatules souples dans vos préparations. Incorporez à froid ou à température ambiance. Si la préparation doit cuire, monter le dosage en fonction de la durée et de l'intensité de la cuisson.
Il faut donc commencer par un dosage léger
En stock:4 Produits
Dimensions:58 Ml
Quality Edible Sun Flower oil for sale makes a wonderful local, non-transgenic (non-GMO) substitute for cooking oils that have traveled long distances or which are a blend of multiple vegetable oils, which can sometimes give off a “fryer” smell or taste. Sunflower oil has a clean, non-dominating flavor that is great on salads, can be used in baking, and is good for high temperature cooking.
The only local sunflower oil producer we know of is CK ENTERPRISE PLC.
Sunflowers are harvested and pressed in the fall, but Quality Edible Sun Flower oil for sale is available year-round or for as long as the supply holds out.
Nutrition: Sunflower oil is high in vitamin E and low in saturated fat.
This version of Gelato is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal.
Gelato is one of our classic varieties. Gelato terpenes have creamy, sweet and fruity flavors with a touch of pine, with floral and fruity aromatic aspects.
Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes:
You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to:
CBD flowers and pollen
CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax)
Cosmetics (perfume, cream)
Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles)
Line:Derived Mix
Fromage à pâte persillée au lait de vache pasteurisé, sa pâte est blanche, lisse avec des ouvertures et des moisissures.
Sa texture est fine et fondante, ferme, non collante.
Son goût piquant, typique du bleu rehaussera la saveur de vos plats; pizza, salades, sauces ou comme appareil..
Ces croquettes SUPER PREMIUM, de la gamme VITALIZE pour chat, offrent une contribution au bon développement de la masse musculaire, à la bonne fortification du squelette et au bon fonctionnement des organes vitaux de votre animal.
De plus cet aliments pour chat offre une polyvalence dans l'utilisation, puisque elle peut aussi bien servir d'alimentation journalière du chat, mais aussi d'alimentation pour la période de gestation et de lactation de la femelle, grâce à l'augmentation du dosage de la ration journalière.
Protéine Brute:32 %
Matières Grasses:21 %
Poids sac:20kg
Palet streç film çeşitleri olarak sanayi tipi ve makine streci, sirkülasyonu fazla olan sektörler için kullanılacak, en iyi ambalaj malzemesidir. Çoğunlukla palet için kullanılsa da küçük ürünlerde, sağlamlık açısından kullanmak gereklidir. Ürünlerin estetik görünümüne ve kalite algısını yüksek tutmak için tercih edilmesi gerekmektedir.
BV50 verfügt über eine Einzelwanne die ermöglicht fast alle Kochmethoden zu benutzen, vor allem mit Vakuum, ideal für die Herstellung von top quality Marmeladen und Konfitüren, die es ermöglichen das Produkt bei 60°C und in viel kürzerer Zeit zu kochen und so die organoleptischen Eigenschafen, den Geschmack, den Duft und die Farbe des verwendetet Obstes, ohne den Zusatz von Pektin oder Zucker, zu erhalten. Es ermöglicht weiterhin Lebensmittel auf pflanzlicher Basis jeder Art zu sterilisieren, insofern sie in geeigneten Lebensmittelbehältern verpackt sind, und mit Dampf, in Wasser oder jeder anderen Flüssigkeit bis 100°C zu kochen.
Es bietet ein Touchscreen Bedienungsfeld mit smart control Funktion, die es ermöglicht die Anlage zu kontrollieren und jederzeit und überall mit der Anlage zu interagieren.
Breitspektrum CBD Öl 15% CBD THC frei
Reiches Cannabinoid-Profil: CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN und weitere Cannabinoide.
Dieses Produkt eignet sich zum Wiederverkauf in Flaschen Ihrer eigenen Marke oder zur Herstellung von CBD basierten Produkten.
Dieses Breitspektrum Öl ist in folgenden Varianten erhältlich:
CBD Gehalt: 15%
Trägeröl: Hanfsamen Öl oder MCT Öl
Füllmenge: ab 500ml - 1000 Liter
Reiches Cannabinoid-Profil
THC Frei
Frei von Pestiziden, Fungiziden und Herbiziden
Labor geprüft
Herstellung in Österreich
Eine exakte Preisstaffelung finden Sie nach Registrierung in unserem B2B Onlineshop.
Jetzt Probe bestellen! Sie haben die Möglichkeit sich in unserem B2B Onlineshop ein Proben-Testpaket zu bestellen.
Überzeugen Sie sich von den hochwertigen Hanftasia Produkten und bestellen Sie das Proben-Testpaket in Ihrer Wunschvariante wahlweise mit unserem Öl-Sortiment, unserem Balsam und unserem CBD & CBG Blüten-Sortiment.
These weight-loss products are in constant exsolution both technologically and legally. Thanks to its international expertise, Bariatrix Europe has acquired real expertise in the development and design of tailor-made high-protein or low-calorie foods with a complete range of meal replacements.
La menthe fraîche a été sélectionnée, lavée, surgelée en IQF, coupée et emballée. Les tiges ont été enlevées. Le produit n’est pas blanchi et est prêt à être utilisé. Cette menthe douce se prête parfaitement à toutes vos préparations culinaires comme des émulsions et vos cocktails tendances tels que le Mojito.
CONDITIONNEMENT:8 x 250 g = 2 kg
Le pâté de tête de porc de la Ferme de la Rousse sera parfait pour vos entrées et vos apéritifs. C’est une spécialité de la cuisine du cochon. La tête est cuite dans un court bouillon auquel nous ajoutons du vin blanc biologique pour lui donner un fumet très agréable.
Type: Storage Boxes & Bins
Material: Aluminum Foil
Color: Silver
Size: As shown or customized
Features: Durable Aluminum Foil Pans - Sturdy Pans Support The Bread When Rising And Produce Beautiful Loaves.
Superior Heat Conductivity - Provides For An Even-heating Performance That Browns Beautifully.
Made Of Eco-friendly Recyclable Aluminium
No Clean Up! Just Throw Away Once Finished.
Convenient And Affordable - Perfect For A Picnic, Party And Takeaway! Share Your Love Of Baking With Friends And Family This Holiday Season.
You'll Have A Home Cooked Feast On Hand That Can Be Heated Up Faster Than You Can Imagine. These Meal Prep Containers Are Also Perfect For Any Occasion: Take Out, Delivery Businesses, Picnics, Deli's, Schools, Camps, Medical Facilities, Cooking Classes And More.
sizes:can be customized